• +91-9582224324
  • jatin@cajatinminocha.com
*Government has announced the incorporation of companies with zero fees and with simple procedures*. 

Five procedures for starting a business are now integrated and can be done simultaneously. 
The ease of doing business policy of the government is in the form of these simple steps to form a company.

*RUN ( Reserve Unique Name)*

Reserving a company name is now an easy process. Earlier companies have to file INC-1 eForm. Time taken to apply for name reservation has been reduced considerably as the form for name reservation has been replaced with a simple web service. No need for a digital signature certificate for reservation of unique name.

*Spice- ( Simplified Performa for Incorporating Company Electronically)*

Five services has been incorporated in one eform. This is unique feature of spice . As the companies have to apply for DIN (Director Identification Number), Name reservation , Incorporation, Pan( Permanent Account Number), Tan(Tax deduction and collection account number) . All these can be applied with one single eform.

~DIN Not required prior to Filing Spice e-Form:

~DIN’s for directors of new companies through spice only.

*Speedy Incorporation Approvals*:

Central Registration Centre delivers Incorporation approval within 1 working day.


1. *Simplified procedure*: 

The procedure for incorporation of companies have been simplified and this is the biggest reform for incorporation of new companies.

2. *Zero Fees:* 

Incorporation of new companies can be done with zero fees. This will provide an opportunity to new entrepreneurs to register themselves.

3. *Reduced Time:* 

Incorporation approval will be provided by the Central Registration Centre within one working day.
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